Should You Recycle A Home Furnace Air Filter

From time to time, we encounter customers interested in recycling their furnace air filters; however, it's crucial to recognize the challenges associated with this practice. Furnace air filters are composed of cardboard and various fibrous materials and prove exceptionally difficult to clean thoroughly. The inherent nature of these materials poses not only practical cleaning difficulties but also raises concerns about potential health issues that should be carefully considered, such as pet dander, dust, other germs, and viruses such as COVID-19.

Most HVAC or Heating companies will replace your furnace filter as part of overall annual maintenance. Depending on the size of your filter, maintenance could be anywhere from $100 to $300, but most of these annual maintenance agreements usually range around $150.

Who Makes A Really Good Furnace Air Filter

A really good example is the air filter manufactured by K&N; this company manufactures many types of air filters not only for home furnaces and has a long history of making air filters. Others include Colorfill, which is designed for Dog and Cat Orders,  and Filtrete, which focuses on allergens, or give us a call for a recommendation.

Should I Clean The Furnace Air Filter Compartment

It's also important while you're replacing the filter to take a flashlight and look inside the compartment where the filter is. Don't forget you need to make sure that the furnace is off while you're conducting this inspection. Typically, a damp cloth or paper towel is sufficient to clean the inside if necessary. Again do not try to do this while the furnace is on; you wouldn't want a piece of fabric or towel to get sucked inside the burner and cause a fire.

How Do I Know What Size Of Air Filter To Use For My Furnace

If you need to replace your furnace air filter, the dimensions of the filter are usually on the side or on the front of the actual filter.

When replacing the filter, make sure that the arrow is pointing in the direction of the flow of air; this is critical for your furnace to be efficient. The other purpose behind having a professional inspect your system is to make sure that there are no loose wires, that your system is clean, that your filter is improperly installed, and that your system is functioning correctly. Over time, heating systems can have issues with airflow and efficiency. Frequently, homeowners have a furnace that's installed in a closet, and debris or boxes or other things get loaded up next to the furnace; this can be a fire hazard, and it could also affect the efficiency or performance of your system.

What Can I Do While My Furnace Air Filters Are Being Shipped

That being the case, if you were desperate and you were not able to get a filter quickly, you could remove much of the large particles of debris using compressed air to blow it off. And yes, we are, of course, telling you not to, but recycling the furnace filter for a temporary fix would be an option. This would be a temporary solution to get most of the dust and debris off the filter while you are waiting for your filter to arrive. The good news is that most air filters for furnaces are very reasonable, some as low as $10, but they can go as high as $100, depending on the brand and type of furnace you have.

Can Fischer Heating & Air Conditioning Replace My Furnace Air Filter

At Fischer Heating, we provide full service for all furnace systems regardless of the brand and service in the Seattle metro area. From Bellevue to Everett, West Seattle to Renton, our licensed heating technicians are here for you.  Knowing that you have a professional will give you peace of mind and ensure that your system will run for years to come. If you have any questions regarding your system, feel free to call Fisher Heating at any time during our business hours, and we'd be more than happy to chat with you about how we can service your system or contact us to provide a free estimate for a new system.