Home Heating Repair In Seattle

Seattle has a temperate climate, with wet and cold winters. It rains often in Seattle; thus, residential and commercial buildings need to install heating systems. Fischer Heating has been serving the residents of Seattle for over 40 years. We have accumulated knowledge of the preferences of many homes and establishments around the city.

Heating systems are essential to Seattle residents, and there are many types of heating systems available today. For home heating repair, installation, or maintenance services, get in touch with Fischer Heating.

Different Types Of Home Heating Systems

Homeowners today have several choices in heating systems. It is important to know which type is suitable for your heating needs and the size and design of your home. Ensure that you get the right information by getting in touch with Fischer Heating, a trusted heating systems contractor, right here in Seattle. Fischer Heating does not only carry well-known and reliable brands from reputable manufacturers. Its heating system technicians are all experienced, NATE-certified, and licensed. We are very knowledgeable in the installation, maintenance, and repair of different types of home heating systems.

Forced Air Heating

It is the most common among the many types of home heating as well as air conditioning systems. The furnace heats the air that is distributed via ductwork into the different parts of the house. The furnace type can use different fuel sources such as electricity, oil, propane, or natural gas. This system is the only type that can also be utilized for cooling.

The system is cheap, but it requires space for ductwork. The furnace fan makes noise while in operation, and the air requires filtration to prevent the spread of allergens. Regular home heating repair is needed.

The most common method of heating a home is natural gas. Which is used by a central heating system or forced air heating system. However, there are also other heating systems available today, such as:

  • Radiant heat
  • Steam radiant
  • Hydronic (hot water baseboard)
  • Geothermal

In many homes around the United States, the most important as well as the complex systems in the home is heating. Thus, it is vital for homeowners to understand the basic features of the system they have and its required maintenance. These signs indicate that there are some problems with the heating system and when it’s time to call an expert home heating repair contractor.

One of the biggest consumers of energy in the home is heating. Therefore, get expert help from a trusted heating contractor like Fischer Heating at 206-202-9499, or contact us when you want to maintain, repair, or replace your furnace. Schedule an appointment with a professional and licensed home heating repair technician from Fischer Heating to have your system fully assessed. Our technician can give you a full report and give you recommendations regarding home heating repair or replacement. Also, we can help you choose the system that fits your heating needs, your home, and your budget.