HVAC Repair Services
When you have a problem and need HVAC repair in Shoreline, WA, or throughout North Seattle, call Fischer Heating and Air Conditioning.
Our heating technicians are experts in servicing forced air furnaces and heat pumps, wall & floor furnaces, and gravity furnaces. Most of the time, furnace repairs can be performed on the first visit, saving you time by eliminating additional trips. The experts who arrive at your house will have a broad assortment of replacement parts to provide a good chance to complete the job in a single visit. If you need a major repair requiring a complete furnace replacement, our technicians will typically complete it quickly. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible service with minimal inconvenience by fixing the problem correctly.
Local Licensed HVAC Service
Absolutely, our license is at the bottom of this page. The primary enemy of your furnace and heating system are the 3 D’s: dust, dirt, and debris. Replacing your heating system’s air filter, cleaning the coils and fans regularly will extend the life of the system compressor. As well, periodic filter changes reduce the amount of work to intake air, meaning the mechanical parts inside the furnace will have reduced wear.What’s the most important thing to prolong your heating system or furnace’s life? Proper HVAC maintenance. The best step to correct your investment is to signup for our maintenance protection program. Our furnace maintenance is performed once per year. Usually in the fall before regular use of the furnace. When you sign up for our annual maintenance plan it gives you priority when you call in with a problem.

Experts In Heating And Cooling Maintenance, Repairs, Installations, And Emergency Services Serving Local Communities For Over 40 Years.
Furnace Maintenance & Services
Heating System Repairs, Maintenance, Installation, & Emergency Services.
Air Conditioning Services
Repairing, Maintaining, & Installing New Air Conditioning Systems.
Heat Pumps
Specializing In Heat Pumps Solutions Designed For Your Home.

Shoreline HVAC Services
Fischer Heating technicians will assess the condition of your current furnace or heating system based upon three major factors; age, efficiency, and condition. This will help you to determine the best solution for your furnace or heater.
The average life of a furnace is 10 years, but with proper maintenance, your furnace may last greater than 20 years. When your furnace reaches the average life span, and you start to experience problems, it may be time to upgrade to a new one in your Shoreline home. If your furnace or heating system is older than 10, it is probably not very efficient. If your energy bills are higher than usual, you may decide it is time to replace your old inefficient system. Many high-efficiency heating systems and furnace models are available today that can significantly lower your monthly heating costs.
Fischer Heating & Air Conditioning Services
Heating System Repairs, Maintenance, Installation, & Emergency Services For Customers Throughout The North Seattle Metro Area.
Central Air Conditioning, Plus Ductless Mini-Split System Installations For Homeowners & Businesses.
We Specialize In Heat Pump Solutions Designed For Your Shoreline Home.
Central Air Conditioning, Plus Ductless Mini-Split System Installations For Homeowners & Businesses In North Seattle.
Quick And Reliable Commercial HVAC Repair Or Installing A New System, We Have The Solutions You Are Looking For.
Air Quality Testing Businesses And Residential Homeowners Throughout The Snohomish & King Counties.
Shoreline HVAC Repair Services
- Has regular maintenance been performed on your system?
- Do you know if the prior homeowner(s) maintained your furnace?
- If your furnace has been well maintained and is less than 10 years old, a repair is most likely the best option. However, if your system maintenance was neglected and your heating system is causing you problems. Then you want to consider upgrading to a new higher efficiency unit.
Finally, today’s furnaces burn less fuel to create heat, so they produce less pollution than your older system. There are models with heat output modulation that provide heat more continuously than older furnaces and provide uniform heating throughout a home for more comfort. Contact Fischer Heating & Air Conditioning today to schedule a Free Estimate for HVAC repair and let a trained consultant help you decide what will best fit your needs.
We Specialize In Air Conditioning Repair & Maintenance For Seattle & Surrounding Communities
Don't let hot or cold weather catch you with a system that is not working. With just one call we can make sure your house will be cool in the summer or toasty warm in the winter when your family needs it.