How You Can Improve Indoor Air Quality With An Air Purifier

Air contaminants like dust, dander, and microorganisms cause respiratory problems and allergies. An air purifier is a device designed to remove these impurities and keep the air clean. Most air purifiers available in the market today claim to remove second-hand cigarette smoke as well as benefit individuals who suffer from allergies and asthma. Air purifiers…

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HVAC Refrigeration Process & The Role Of Refrigerants

An HVAC system provides complete temperature control inside a home during cold and warm seasons. When an HVAC system is working efficiently, a homeowner will appreciate the comfort and reliability of perfect indoor air temperature upon turning the thermostat on. Complete HVAC refrigeration and heating systems include the following important parts: Thermostat Furnace Evaporation coil…

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HVAC Check-Up Checklist & Guide to Finding a Contractor

An HVAC system is no longer a luxury if you live in a part of the country with extreme hot or cold seasons. If you want your family to be comfortable during these seasons, you need to invest in a reliable HVAC system. An HVAC system combines heating, cooling, and ventilation in one interconnected series…

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Your Guide To Air Duct Replacement & Repair

The Most Common Reason You Need Air Duct Replacement Insulation is torn or missing from rodent infestation. There are kinks in the system, and the ducts are damaged beyond repair. The ducts are too small, or the runs are too long. An HVAC system is an essential component of homes around the country. When you…

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When Is It Time To Recharge The Air Conditioning Unit

The only time most people pay close attention to their air conditioner is when it does not cool the house like normal. Central air conditioners provide continuous cooling of the home. The coolants or refrigerants included in the system are meant to last the lifetime of the air conditioner. This is what normally happens, but…

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How To Replace Air Conditioning Filter

The life of your air conditioning unit is extended when you have it serviced and maintained regularly. Like other appliances, it requires cleaning and checkup of its moving parts. It’s a good thing to know how to replace your air conditioning filters. Since this is done frequently, you can save a bit if you know…

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Cover Your Air Conditioning Unit

Outside air conditioner units are supposed to be tough to withstand extreme weather conditions. However, just like humans, animals, and plants, they will benefit from some protection during harsh winter weather. Winterizing your outside air conditioning unit will minimize the pressure the unit has to go through. It will not cost much, but preparing your…

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Regular Central Air Conditioning Maintenance Can Save You Thousands

If you experience summer in Seattle, you’ll understand why air conditioning is essential in our homes. It starts to get warm by April, and the consistent warmth, averaging between the low 50s and upper 70s, remains until August, with the overall average during summer hovering in the low- to mid-70s. Seattle hit a record in…

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A Homeowner’s Guide To Air Duct Repair Or Replacement

Did you have that one room in your home that didn’t warm up this winter? The one where you walked in and noticed a chill in the air, unlike the rest of the house? The weather is warming up in the Seattle area, and you’re letting your furnace rest. It’s time to think about that…

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Why Is My Air Conditioning Unit Leaking

It is usual for an air conditioner to leak water while it is running, yet proper maintenance is required. However, there is a big difference between the amount of water that is expelled from an air conditioning unit in perfect condition and a faulty one. If there is an abnormal amount of water coming from…

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